It’s just that i am trying to stop cameras who are turning thanks to a Rotating Component that i added in a lesson hours ago, but i don’t know which script is the most useful to stop them.
I have screenshots who confirm how is my problem and how i want to resolve it.
The third one is about the nature of the component used, and the two first are about how i want to resolve that kind of problem.
If you have solutions to this problem, thank you so much for giving me a answer 
Hello, can you post a video? I’m not sure what you’re trying to do.
Sure, but it will be on a link that you will need to see:
The second one will show how i want to connect those script systems, so that i can stop their rotations in addition of hiding the triggers and lights.
Here is the other link, the normally first one in the case.
Mais, is your problem that the camera WILL NOT STOP rotating? Or that it will NOT ROTATE?
Well it won’t stop rotating, even if i had done the other script to deactivate it’s trigger sphere and lights temporarily for 5 seconds to be frank.
Are you doing this in the level blueprint?
If so, you should not. Just do it in a dedicated camera blueprint.
Oh so, that means that i should do it on another camera blueprint, who is about the rotation and to deactivate it, if i touch a specific trigger.
I mean, i use a button model to stop the cameras, especially their triggers and spotlights
and that i have those scripts related to it or at least there are several who look like it
this one is for how the camera (or one camera among those that i had done) works
That one is for the Alarm system that i had done to stop the triggers and spotlights in general
In terms of dedicated camera script, i want to know if there is one that can looks like what you suggested or not, so that i can use it to stop that kind of animations (Get Component by Class)?
Thanks for the updates!
I mostly meant that you can create your own BLUEPRINT, add a CAMERA and ROTATING MOVEMENT component, and control their behaviors there.
If you use a Level Blueprint it’s more complicated, and requires CASTING.
Okay, but i don’t know how to do it, especially if there are not videos about that, who can help me, since i want to see how that works, that kind of blueprint 
You’ll see how to create a camera blueprint in the first 60 seconds.
Instead of deactivating the rotating movement comp, try setting its rotation rate to 0 to stop it?
Okay, i will see it when i have free time to be frank 
Okay @illspiritx , but how i can set it’s rotation rate to 0 in a script?