How to start animation from a regular Blueprint? [SOLVED]

I derived my character BP and animation BP from the Blueprint FPS and I am having a problem adding a crouch animation. I cannot add a trigger so when something happens in my character BP then the animation blueprint will start the animation.

There’s a couple of ways that you could go about this. One, you could use a Blueprint Interface to pass the information from your Character BP to your Animation BP. Two, you could cast to your Character BP from within your Anim BP and access variables from your Character BP. There should be a handful of examples for how to do each out there, but here’s two off the top of my head:

  1. Blueprint Interface: LINK (see the last comment for the interface walkthrough. Also, note in the example, a montage is being played in the AnimBP, but you could just as easily use the interface to pass your IsCrouching bool instead.)
  2. Cast to CharacterBP: LINK

Good luck, and just yell if you need clarification on anything.

Perfect! Thank-you so much!