How to stack or set priority to area classes / nav modifiers

I have a custom area class (let’s call it Wall) which is walkable for an AI but only if it meets the certain condition, otherwise I set nav filter to not walk trough it - this part works.

The problem is -I have a second area class that is always walkable but with higher cost, and what happens is sometimes the walkable one overlaps with the Wall class and it overrides it so the AI doesn’t know there is this Wall class, they only see the walkable one.

here’s preview, in the highlighted square there should be a yellow-ish navmesh color (Wall class) but it got overriden with the walkable grey one

I was trying to find an answer online, area class priority ideally, but with no luck, what would you do in this situation?

(engine v. 4-26)

It turns out I’m just bad at looking for the answer. Shortly after posting I’ve found this post and it resolves the problem for me