How to specify the pixelstreaming encoder for my streaming app?

In the Editor, I can specify the encoder type for the streaming.

But I can’t find the documents for how to specify it for my standalone streamer app.
I,ve tried two different ways.
First is trying -PixelStreamingEncoder=‘VP9’ when I start my streamer application like this:
Myapp.exe -PixelStreamingEncoder=‘VP9’ -PixelStreamingEncoderMaxQP=10 -AudioMixer -PixelStreamingIP= -PixelStreamingPort=8888 -AllowPixelStreamingCommands -RenderOffScreen -Unattended
However, in the official documents, there is no such a arguments called “PixelStreamingEncoder”…

Seconde is adding "PreferredCodec=“VP9"” in my frontend code like this:

// Create a config object
const config = new Config({
  initialSettings: {
    AutoPlayVideo: true,
    AutoConnect: false,
    ss: "ws://",
    WaitForStreamer: true,
    MatchViewportRes: true,
    HoveringMouse: true,
    SuppressBrowserKeys: false,
    ControlsQuality: true,
    PreferredCodec: "VP9"
  useUrlParams: false,

I can’t know wether does it works or not. There is no significant changes.

Hi there!

You nearly had it, the correct launch arg for the streamer application is “-PixelStreamingEncoderCodec=VP9”

I’ll have a look at the documentation and see if this information is missing.
Let me know if this works for you!

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