It looks like you spawn them all at the same location,
you should enable that actors can be spawned regardless of collision.
This can be done in your “Spawn Actors from Class” node.
Hope this fixes it
It looks like you spawn them all at the same location,
you should enable that actors can be spawned regardless of collision.
This can be done in your “Spawn Actors from Class” node.
Hope this fixes it
Hey everyone! First time here. I am having difficulty to spawn more than one AI correctly, it gives me the following error:
‘‘Blueprint Runtime Error: Attempted to access AI_Bot_C_1 via property CallFunc_FinishSpawningActor_ReturnValue, but AI_Bot_C_1 is pending kill from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_ThirdPersonExampleMap’ from node: Criar Controlador Padrão in graph: EventGraph in object: ThirdPersonExampleMap with description: Attempted to access AI_Bot_C_1 via property CallFunc_FinishSpawningActor_ReturnValue, but AI_Bot_C_1 is pending kill’’
Here is the blueprint. Can anybody help me with this?
Can’t believe it was that simple! Haha Thanks a lot, it worked.
Could you mark this question als resolved please?