How to spawn runtime's actors in editor

I wanna build a tool about get all actors in level and serialize them. Next I will send serialized data through socket to editor to spawn the same actor of them in editor.
However, at runtime game end, I use method like this:

    TArray<AActor*> actors;
    UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(GWorld->GetWorld(), AActor::StaticClass(), actors);
    for (AActor* actor : actors)
        TArray<uint8> data;
        FMemoryWriter writer(data, true);
        FObjectAndNameAsStringProxyArchive arWriter(writer, false);

First, I will get the UClass of actor, and then I will use the same method to deserialize data like this:

UClass* className = FindObject<UClass>(name);
AActor* restoreActor = GWorld->SpawnActor(className);
FMemoryReader reader(data, true);
FObjectAndNameAsStringProxyArchive arReader(reader, false);

When I send serialized data to my editor, I spawn actors with serialized data, I only get actors without any information.
And this is information about one StaticMeshActor object’s serialized data:


So my problem is how to get whole actor’s information, including component, transform, material and so on. Next is How can I use the information to spawn the same actor in editor, just like opposite flow of serialization?