How to spawn in game(on map) after round instead of in lobby?

How to respawn players on the map after a round instead of in the lobby? after a round is over it takes me to the lobby where I have to choose a class, team from scratch.

In the lobby I have the pad revival set to pre game, and on the map I have the checkpoint set to gameplay… what is wrong? :((((

Set both gameplay and lobby spawns as active during phase always. This also allows joining players to join game in lobby (and pregame setting looks like its still being ignored by game)

With Gameplay spawnpads, turn off Use as Island Start and set Priority Group to 1 (1 is higher priority)

and Lobby Spawnpads, turn on Use as Island Start and set Priority Group to 2

Players will arrive on island using Island Start spawnpads, then on game start they will spawn at the higher priority game spawnpads.

If your island is set for X players, have X lobby spawnpads and at least X gameplay spawnpads.