How to Spawn Actors as walls along a Spline

Ok I made a Building Actor for a RTS Tool I am making. And I wanted to make a Wall System. Now I know I could just get a Spline Mesh Component Node and have them be that. But I wanted to make the Walls one of the Building Actors and destructible, like one of the other types of Buildings. Is it possible to spawn Building Actors and get them to follow the Spline so you can construct walls and make them were they can be destroyed and recognized as a Building type?

You can distribute anything along a spline, sure. The crux is in the deformation - if you wanted curved wall segments that connect smoothly, you’d need a spline mesh component.

Ok, Thank you, so I will have to make it where is not curved (Though I would have loved to make them do that), but you gave me direction, and I think I know what to do. Thank you.

Have a look at this thread:

To clarify, the splines can be curved, and the actors / static meshes will follow orientation / location but will not deform.

  • this is fine:

  • but this will be tricky:

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