How to spawn actor with root collision box and child static mesh with physics enabled

I am having a hard time spawning through C++ an actor which has the following:

Collision Box has root component
Static Mesh as child of Collision Box with simulate physics

My problem is that the static mesh moves but the collision box stays in the same place, basically the actor position doesn’t change.

I tried simulating physics on the collision box as well, but that caused another issues, they collide and get thrown away from the map which then destroys the actor because of KillZ rule.

I have been messing around with a lot of collision presets trying and figuring out the proper way to achieve this, but till today (been on this for some days now) couldn’t achieve.

So what is the proper way for achieving the result I am looking for?
A collision box as root component with a child mesh with physics enabled, where the collision box (i mean the actor itself) gets the position updated?

Thanks a lot!