How to spawn a Generated dynamic Mesh

Hello here,

I’m currently experimenting on a flying islands Generator.
I’ve managed to create this dynamic mesh Blueprint, and when I drag it to my level, it works perfectly, the dynamic mesh is created.

  1. Dynamic Mesh Actor draged into the scene:

However, I would like to user Spawner Blueprint which would create multiple actors at random position within a box (some clouds and the islands). But when I use it, the island is placed in the world, but not visible (not generated I guess). My BP use the event “on rebuild generated mesh” to generate the island.

I think I’m missing a notion here, could you please help me locate what’s the issue ?

→ Spawning clouds (actors) : working
→ Spawning generated dynamic mesh actor : not working - present (selected in this screenshot) but not visible (not generated?)

Could you guys help me locate the issue or to find any associated documentation that could help me understand why it isn’t generated ? I’ve attempted multiple workaround but always get the same result.

Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any more details on the blueprints or anything you need to understand my issue.