How to spawn a cube in blueprints?

Can you post a picture of the logic in your blueprint?

Hello. I am currently trying to spawn a cube with a trigger that has custom dimensions and it’s own X Y Z location, along with the new brick texture, however whenever I cross over the trigger, UE4 simply tells me that the static mesh is not movable. Am I doing something wrong?

Also static meshes are just that, Static. You could use skeletal mesh actor instead.

Yea you did the same thing I tested out, as I figured as well you cant move static meshes, which is odd because you are setting its location, scale, etc on spawn. To be honest I would just use a skeletal mesh, I will give the same results.

Here you go.


Ok I have a real answer for you now. Spawn an actor instead of a static mesh and set its transform to a default transform, pull off from its transform input pin and just do make transform, then pull off a pin of that actor reference and add a static mesh component, set the static mesh component at the location you want, and the scale you want with the material you want. Because this is the first component being attached to the actor it will because the root component, so even if you set a location rotation or scale for the actor it will all be overwritten when you set the transform for the static mesh component.