How to sort Sockets on Skeleton by alphabet?

I have many sockets attached to a bone in a random order. It’s a mess, and it’s hard to find the needed socket.
How can I sort them by some logical order like alphabetical or by XYZ location or by scale / size / rotation?

As far as I know, there’s no such a built-in feature. Unfortunately, you would need to do that manually

How can I sort them manually?
I can’t drag and drop them, and I don’t see such a function in the window when I right-click on the socket.

Try enabling the Skeletal Mesh Editing Tools plugin

I don’t see the option to sort sockets nor in the level “Modelling” mode, nor in the skeletal mesh viewer “Editing Tools”.
Where is the option to sort sockets located there?

That plugin allows you to rename the bones in your hierarchy. I learned how to change the order of the bones under the same parent by renaming them from this post: What determines bone hierarchy/bone index? - #3 by Fortirus

Try renaming them by adding indexes after them accordingly, just like how it’s stated there

I need to change the order of sockets, not bones.
I tried to add indexes to sockets, but their order does not change.

I thought we were talking about bones since the very beginning :rofl: Anyways if that doesn’t work on sockets there’s nothing else to try I think. Also I researched a bit more and found a post of someone with the title “Engine Contributor” stating that there’s no built-in solution to this :cry: aside from recreating the ones that you want to push down to the bottom

Most 3D modeling programs have a functionality to auto name bones left and right. Ex: L. Hip, R.Forearm, L. Foot, Spine 1, if your going to be needing to access specific bones in unreal id highly recommend setting this up before import to the engine, as far as sorting though, you’d need to do some c++ work with getting socket names and checking chars and manually sorting them into an array