I’m trying to make a dash mechanic in the third person template with an isometric view, and I’m trying to allow the player to chain two dashes in a row, similar to hades, however I need the character to immediately snap to the direction the player inputs when initiating the dash. currently if the player attempts to make a sharp turn in between dashes, the character is unable to turn quick enough
Depends on how the rotation is applied to the character.
You can’t expect the default engine ways (rotate character to camera. Or whatever) to work in thse types of situations.
Get the camera. Get the forward vector.
Override the character’s rotation.
Then launch.
Ps: probably do not mess with the x/y. Break and only take Z…
I figured out a solution, after the button to dash is pressed, set the character rotation rate to 0,0,-1 and then set it back to default after the dash is complete using this node
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