I’m trying to animate a 3d scene but I’m not able to set a smooth scaling effect across my objects. I’m aware of Move Component To which gives easy access to ease in/out and time taken to complete the animation for movement, but I can’t find anything similar for scaling. Is there some alternative way to do this in blueprints?
This is what my animation currently looks like :
If I could grow it out of the blueprint by smoothly animating the scale value of the objects, that would look great.
You could try using a timeline to drive the output parameter that is used for scale. Timelines update as tick as the timeline plays and can call events using the timeline values. Just draw a nice S shaped curve by converting the start/end points to curves and dragging the tangents around.
Thanks for replying Ryan. I had tried this earlier, but I couldn’t figure out how or what to plug in where to get it to scale my object. Could you show me how I should set up my blueprint using timelines so that I can scale the object.
EDIT: ALMOST GOT IT. I experimented a bit and almost solved it, but I just can’t figure out how to plug my data into the set actor scale action. Its like I’m missing a step that will combine the data so that set actor can use it.
EDIT : GOT IT. I had to use a vector track (was using float earlier). Plugged it into Set Actor Scale and it works perfect. Thanks again Ryan.