How to slow camera boom zoom?

Okay, I’ll make it short and sweet. I’ve already made another post about this but it’s somewhat misleading so I’ll fix it up here.
My character in my third person shooter, when he aims, has the camera boom zoom in towards his aiming animation loop. Only problem is that it jumps to it, and I want to slow that jump.

This video wasn’t made for this problem, but watch it to see the ‘jump’ in action.

And here’s the AnimGraph for my character.

And finally my character’s event graph.

So to clarify, I just want this jump in the camera boom zoom to slow down. Thanks.


Bump. This is important.

Bump again. Come on now.

Hey IceCubeCat-

You can try using a timeline in your character’s event graph. If you have a start point (zoomed out) and an end point (zoomed in) then you can lerp over the timeline from the start to end points to create a smooth blend from one to the other.


Thanks mate. Really appreciate it- I’ll show results once I do it.

If you need to support multiple levels that can be swapped from any one to another you may want to use an fInterp with a timer/tick. Check out the Learn content called “Blueprints” and the in-world Popups it has describing each area of the main map, they use this approach to always face the camera.