How to skip an html tag with a RichTextBlock while playing an animation on each character of the text?

How to skip an html tag with a RichTextBlock while playing an animation on each character of the text?

I have a code that allows me to display the text so that each character of text is animated individually, however, since I’m using the RichTextBlock I’m using tags, so the problem is that when I play a dialogue the tags are displayed which might make the player think that there’s a bug, well it doesn’t look professional. A solution I thought of would be to speed up the time when the < sign starts and then almost not notice the tags, the problem being that my Set Timer by Event doesn’t update its duration while it ticks.
So taking any suggestions for approaches people have had with this kind of setup.

Quick dirty solution that will NOT handle nested decorators.

I am fast-forwarding rich text blocks kind of like you had the idea, but doing that in a single execution flow instead of trying to accelerate the timer.

So letters appear one by one but rich text blocks (names) appear at once as if they were 1 character.

Part 1 = basic animation :

Part 2 = loop back during rich text blocks :

Result :


I have uploaded a video to show a new system, but it is not perfect yet, I hope someone will find a trick, thanks for the help Chatouille. CREATION OF AN ANIMATED TEXT WITH COLORS AND IMAGES UE5

Setting new timer on same event will edit parameters of timing. It’s the only way I found. Result are still not perfect.

Well your issue clearly remains, that’s what I was trying to suggest - instead of accelerating the timer, you can simply re-execute your step function multiple times in a single frame, so the whole rich block goes off in a single frame and the problem is not apparent anymore.