So I am making a 3d side scroller game I am using physics handle to move an object with physics simulation turned on nut the problem is I dont want the object to move or rotate in the X axis the reason is obvious but I hav had no luck since even though when th object is grabbed it wont move ij X axis when I releas it it will hit other objects and simultae physics in 3d and change its location and rotation in the X axis so is there any way to solve my problem?
Can you give me instructions how to do this? Is there some way to give my world or level this constraint? If not how can I add this physics constraint to a random mesh in my level?
Because it would realy be hard to add this constraint to every mesh indivisualy
I dont know if there is an engine setting for this, but I guess the easiest way would be to constrain all physics objects to two axes.
Im not sure what the function is called but look on the wiki. you should call the function from the constructor for better performance
I was able to achieve what I wanted by going to project setting, physics, lock axix and lutting it on X