How to show main menu after loading save

So I have been trying to follow this tutorial. I am fairly new to UE4

I have everything working, but the problem is that whenever I create a save and I play and it load my save up, the options menu shows still instead of the main menu. Even though I already created my character and it was loaded
Its only supposed to pop up the first time if there is no save file.

Here is the Save Game Check BP

Here is my options menu event graph

Load Game Function:

Save game function:

I apologize if this is a really easy fix I have just been stumped for a while on it. Thank you

I think you need a ShowMainMenu at the end of constuct chain…
Both now show up, just need the options to go awy now

It could be that SetAvatarDisplay event, what is that? Here is my SetAvatarDisplay GameInfoInstance BP LevelBP

Not sure if these help but here are those too

Sorry, I’m not quite sure what you have going on there.

Better take the ShowMainMenu off the end of that chain again.

I notice that your widget code for the options, calls SaveGameCheck which ( if the save game exists ) calls LoadMainMenu. So your options menu is loading your main menu…

yeah its supposed to go directly to the options menu to setup the character if they do not have a save file and are a new person. but if there is a save game file then its supposed to go directly to the main menu with all the save loaded. but for some reason the options menu still pops up

It’s best to just cut your code back and work no one bit at a time.

The only thing I can suggest is that you make a small copy of the project and post it somewhere so I can download and take a look.

You can just take the project folder and zip it up.

Figured out, one of my string variables was not named at all, so it was checking for something that did not exist. Thank you for your help anyways

No problemo…