Hello Friends,
In my game when I click on Start Game button that time I load new level and black screen is shown until new level loads, I read many ways but I don’t want to use level streaming because I am building multiplayer and in my game maps changes so I am not going for that. And I guess level transition is also not available in blue prints. 
I was trying to use widget by adding “loading” text on it but that widget is also destroyed at the time of level switching.
Even I tried to add this widget in Game Instance init method but that is not working for me.
So is there any easy way to add loading Screen.
Thanks in advance.
as it seems, at the moment you won’t get around using some C++ for creating a working loading screen.
How to do that is explained here (How do I make a Loading Screen? - World Creation - Unreal Engine Forums ), and to just show the default test loading screen you don’t even need to understand much of what you are doing there (you might want to check into the C++ tutorials on the wiki though, as they will explain to you the basics which are not in the answers.
Is it not possible to make a loading screen without C++, just in blueprints etc.?
bump again.
I m testing an ios/iphone package of tappy chicken and noticed the screen goes black for 20 seconds after the UE logo splash screen disappears.
This really needs a loading image of some sort.
Is there still (in 4.12 4.13) no way to create a simple loading image in blueprint without c++?