How to Setup Right Stick Aiming in 3D Side Scroller

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to create an aiming system similar to Towerfall, Shadow Complex, and any number of other side-scrolling games where you can aim with the right stick. I am just having a hell of a time figuring out how to properly script it so, say, an arrow component can rotate properly with the right analog stick only on the same plane as my character, giving me a place to spawn projectiles from. So, in a sense, i dont want the arrow to be able to rotate around my character’s waist, I want it to only rotate as if it was going to bisect them. Any help would be appreciated.I know it involves some vector math I’m just not quite getting right, but haven’t seen any posts here that appear to answer this very clearly for a side-scroller.

If it’s not urgent, an example project will be in the 4.5 update.

If you want it now, you just need to set the location of your target to the axis values. Then you can find the direction of the arrow by using a “Find Look At Rotation” node. It calculates the world rotation between two points. Then you update the rotation of your arrow based to that one.

I have spent a lot of time in blueprints, but this is still one of those difficult to understand parts for me because my vector math needs work. I THINK i understand what you’re saying and Ill check it out. Excited to hear about hte 4.5 update too. Thanks.