What if you had a separate Camera for just Main Menu? How would you switch to this Camera Component? The Set View Target with Blend, does not allow components to be selected(bc its not an actor).
I am basically trying to find a way to use separate component menu, to show the main menu.
Or is there a better way of doing a Main Menu, since I have my 2d Art on a Blueprint, with a separate component camera using Orthographic view. Not sure how I would approach this?
Maybe use CameraActor insted
I tried by creating variable, but I am not sure how to set camera actor in the components menu for the main menu. Is there a way to get Camera Actor in the Blueprint(components) screen?
Thanks for the reply.
Its a native class (C++ coded class), you can find it in class viewer which you can find in window menu, you can drag it to map same as blueprint (which is also class) from content browser. But what it is its just actor with camera component, any actor with camera component will work the same and you can use it as view target.
If both of your Blueprints for each menu have their own camera component in them, you can just SetViewTargetWithBlend and point to whichever Blueprint you want to see, and it will just use each ones own camera.