As a beginner I sometimes have hard times to figure out how things work in UE. But when I succeed I would be happy to fasten these things by making them available in the future. For example I was able to build a visible light source consisting of a regular rectangle light source and a emissive material that does not affect the world. Thanks to this forum!
Now since I know I will need this asset over and over again, I would like to put it in a “user library” that makes things, materials etc… available to all upcoming projects.
Now I know I can “migrate” things around, but I wonder, if there is a more elegant way. Is it, for example, possible, to define use a “package” or so as a growing library that can take all kinds of stuff?
Any advices here? I’d be happy, if I could collect things I learned that way…
Hey there @zeit-feld! Basically what you’re looking for is something like blueprint function libraries for functions in blueprint form. These allow you to pass blueprints between projects, and reference them in whatever project they are under!
That said since you’re referencing a bunch of types and not just blueprints, you’ll need to utilize them as well as creating your own plugins! This is a good way to be able to quickly pass blueprints and code between projects quickly and on the fly.
You could also look into creating a content pack, which is usually used for creating things to put on the marketplace, but you can instead just import them to every project you’d prefer.
I’d definitely think importing and updating content plugins is probably overkill here, but still figured it’d be worth mentioning as an option. I like to give people as many options as possible and let them decide if that’s the path they want to take.
Hello nice people. All this helped me, but the forementioned proposal to save stuff beneath “engine-content” seems easy and ok. However I will have to copy stuff from there into the project, ok.
Nevertheless I tried to find out how to create a “content package” but could not find a how-to. Could someone point me somewhere, please?
However thanks for all your great advices, this is such a great forum. Thanks a lot!