I’m using Widget interaction component for interaction between the controller and 3D widget. Right now the debug line is one chunky line, is there a way to set the thickness of the debug trace?
I tried to hide the debug line and show line trace for visual purposes but apparently they behave differently. As you see in the screen shoot if I just sway the controller a bit the debugline and the line trace is not in the same position.
I dont think theres any way to change the debug line, but you could make a thin cylinder and align it along the trace, then attach it to the widget interaction and turn off debug on widget interaction.
However, I need the visual to show the hit point location when colliding with a widget as shown at the picture. So, I don’t think aligning a cylinder will do the job :S.
edit: for now I’m going with your method. The cylinder will go through the widget or anything. I can still live with it tho, it’s better than having a gigantic line that obstruct the player’s vision