Hey There
I am trying to make a Ball Roller Game. There should be a system that when ever you leave the save zone, it saves the Players Location (this part is working) and when you Fall off the Plattform and collide with the Kill-Zone, it sets you bat to the last saved Location (this is working) with a speed of 0 (this is NOTworking!).
This is may aproach, but i cant find a working way to reduce the speed to 0 for a stable startingpoint experience.
How do i set the velocity to 0 after the transform to the save location? At the moment, the ball gets moved to the richt position, but wit its inital speed ans that causes him to fall of the platttform over and over again…
What kind of Component do you use to move the ball?
Standard Movement Component?
If yes, set Maximum Speed to 0 right after Spawn and than again on (for example) 300.
The 0 should stop every Movement and resets velocity.
But you’re not even trying to set velocity to 0 in your BP, of course it doesn’t work =)
If your ball simulates physics, try SetPhysicsLinearVelocity, and you probably want to SetPhysicsAngularVelocity too;
If it’s a pawn with a movement component, you can use StopMovementImmediately for the movement component.
StopMovementImmediately didn’t work for my use case but I since I was using an event, I set movement mode to none and then back to walking in the same frame and that fixed it