How to set up VR game to only use x box one controller

Hello everyone I am new to UE, I want to make a game using Oculus VR for the head, looking around portion, and use an X box one controller for everything else. When I open a new vr project using the template and I try to test it, it requires the touch controllers I don’t have them. If any one can point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.

Basically I want to make a first person game that uses the x box one controller for movement and interaction with the world and a VR head set for the looking around part.

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Hi K0b0h,

Create a First Person template project. (Or add the first person template to an existing project with Content Browser → Add → Feature or Content Pack)

This template is set up to work ‘out of the box’ with an Xbox Controller.

When you play in editor (PIE) in ‘vr preview’ mode you’ll be able to move + look around with the controller. (Do you feel nausea when looking around with the right thumbstick though?) in BP_FirstPersonCharacter you can disconnect the nodes in ‘Yaw and Pitch Input - Gamepad’ to disable the right thumbstick!

Welcome to the forums!