I created a few animations for my skeletal meshes such as handshakes that require two characters’ precise positioning, and I don’t know what to do next.
I tried to find an example but there were montages that don’t require so precise positioning or relied on the position of some helper object inside the character actor. In my opinion, this solution will be cumbersome when there are several such animations.
One solution would be to create those kind of animations a way that the relative transform root transform from one animation to another is always the same. This way you could position the characters to be that relative transform from each other, and maybe add some interpolation to the positioning so that it doesn’t look so snappy.
Okay, after some testing in my case I just disabled root motion for interaction animation files. So they will have the same offset as in Maya, and after pressing the interaction key I just disable collision for NPC, get player character transform, and set it to NPC then play montages.