How to set up physics constraint to be unbreakable?

I have a revolving door in my game, which works fine if its not getting any amount of force on the centre pillar that holds the whole thing. The actor setup looks like this: a cylinder, its children are two rectangles as the doors, and a physics constraint that is set to lock all positions and rotations (except z rotation). The pillar also has its physics locked on the object to lock its position and only allow z rotation.
Now If i manage to hit the centre of the door (with a car) it just gives in and stays in place but rotates up to match the car hoods angle instead of keeping its rotation - the force doesnt even have to be huge, just a decent bump into the door axis.
I have no idea why a double position and rotation lock is not doing its job - isn’t it supposed to withhold any amount of force? I’ve also tried to set it to breakable and give it an insanely high breaking point - still does the same, little to medium force can break it from its locked axis.

I’ve figured out something, its still just bandaging the problem, but if the revolving door has 4 wings instead of 2 it becomes a lot more stable… its still very weird though that the constraint is so easy to break when its unbreakable.

Up, I have the same problem, no working solution till now?