How to set up a metadata server for Unreal Game Sync #UE5-0

We’re using UGS and I have set up a metadata server with mySQL and IIS. The metadata server appears to be up and running. I can hit, ‘http://localhost:/api/latest’ in a browser and it appears to give me the correct response.

The trouble arises when I mark builds as good/bad or leave comments etc…these will not persist if I close UGS and reopen it. And the database is not populating with any information.

Is there a way to confirm if I have configured everything correctly? Or at least to confirm that UGS is communicating with the db?


Yeah, this is obnoxious.

I’m convinced it would be quicker to rewrite it in node.js than get this on IIS working. The bulk of the code is in SqlConnector.cs, which is about 800 lines, most of the SQL translates straight to JS, so that’s probably what I’ll do.

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You can see the http requests in the log files under C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1.