Hi, guys! I need to specify certain bone rotation offset to make a correct third person aiming (for example, ~6.2314 deg). But all my efforts result in epilepsy (mesh shaking) or helicopters (mesh rotating around itself with incredible speed). When I try to slow the rotation / shaking manually, this also doesn’t work. Either epilepsy or helicopters.
Is there some way to make third-person aim in Unreal Engine? Guys, I spent dozens of hours on this. I tried everything I could. Nothing works
No interpolation or anything like doesn’t help. I made a threshold to prevent very small numbers from being calculated every tick. I then interpolated the new value in degrees and updated the old one.
If I disable interpolation, the spine bone turns the character into either a helicopter or an epileptic. And the offset can never reach the destination point.
Guys, it isn’t funny. I watched all the video tutorials, read all the text tutorials that I found, and read dozens of forum threads. A lot of people have the same problem. Is it some bug in the Unreal Engine itself, or what is it?
It appears that there are no options for making the correct third-person aim. Pointing the camera at the sight of a weapon is nonsense, I think. In any case, camera shake will occur. If you try to rotate the mesh / capsule itself in player_BP, it works. But, if you try to walk forward, the mesh or capsule will maintain the same angle required for camera correction. Bone rotation is not working at all.
What to do, guys? Is there a way to make the character’s weapon look directly into the crosshair?