How to set size on HUD textures?

Hi, i can use “Draw Texture Simple” to draw HUD, let say i want to draw simple black transparent texture and i want it to use 1/3 of desktop resolution positioned on 0,0. With this node i can draw it, but if its different resolution its gets messy.

Is there a way to set custom sizes for textures inside unreal 4? I did check if its ipad or ipod or desktop resolution, but how to resize texture i am drawing?

p.s. Scale does not do the job, since it enlarges texture on both X and Y coordinates. I probly need diferent scale for X and for Y?

Also is it possible to add buttons on the HUD ? To use it for tablets and cellphones.

Thank you in advance

You can use “Draw Texture” instead of “Draw Texture Simple”.
It has more parameters like Width and Height of the quad that will be drawn.

To create a button, you can use “Add Hit Box” at the same position and with the same size as a texture (and text).
Then you can use the Event “Event Receive Hit Box click” and you can check that the name of the HitBox that has been hit is the same than the name of the HitBox you created earlier.


I’m not sure about blueprints, but I know with code you may need to scale the Width and Height based off the Screen/Canvas width and height.

So a width of 0.666 * Canvas/Screen Width gives you a third of the screen’s width.

Thank you. “Draw Texture” does the job. I havent checked “Add hit box” yet but i am shure it will work. Thank you