How to set project macros on game Target.cs file?

The following macros have been added and should be defined in the project’s Target.cs file:
For projects that use dedicated servers, these must be defined for your servers:




Clients for dedicated server projects must have the following defined:


All Steam-based projects must have the following defined:


How to properly set those new Unreal 4.22 macros on my game’s Target.cs file? Do I also need to set anything on my game’s Server.Target.cs?

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Thanks a lot for the reply! I’ll try that out soon.

Just a few other questions:

  1. Do I need to use quotation marks to define SteamProductName since it’s a string. Like so:

  2. Defining those macros only on my Server.Target.cs is enough? Or do I also have to define UE4_PROJECT_STEAMGAMEDIR and UE4_PROJECT_STEAMSHIPPINGID on my game’s target.cs file?

Yep according a post on this thread you’re correct with your string escaping.

I’m defining all of them in both the Editor and Server target files (for when running the editor binary with the -server arg), then for the main Target file I’m doing these 2 (note that the app ID for your dedicated server should be different than your main game):


I assumed you would have to do the following in Server.Target.cs:


Here is what the release notes said about what needs to be defined where:

For projects that use dedicated servers, these must be defined for your servers:

Clients for dedicated server projects must have the following defined:

All Steam-based projects must have the following defined:

But changing GlobalDefinitions requires a unique build environment. There is also ProjectDefinitions but I don’t think steam wil be able to pick it up from there. I will debug properly soon to find out but it would be nice if Epic documented this a little more.

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Don’t be shy to post this as answer :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks! It worked!

I formatted the string as I said and defined all of those macros on the Server.Target.cs. Then I also defined UE4_PROJECT_STEAMSHIPPINGID and UE4_PROJECT_STEAMGAMEDIR on my main Target.cs file. I didn’t need to edit anything on the Editor.Target.cs.

Please note that I’ve only tested with a Development (Dedicated) Server build, defining the shipping ID always as my game’s ID (not the dedicated server ID as a steam tool).

That’s strange I’ve just tested it and it hasn’t worked for me yet! This was running an Development Editor build with the -server arg. Just building a server build to test that to see if it’s any different but I don’t see why it would be (I have the same macros defined in the Editor.Target.cs)

EDIT: So it works ok for the Development Server build which is good at least, I’ll see if I can figure out why the Editor ones aren’t being used.