How to set particle system along bone?

I’m trying to set a burning effect, which will be applied when my character casts spell. As I read about some official document, there is a way which can emit particle at location right at the bones/sockets, called Bone/Socket Location module, but as I tested it, I found that it wasn’t quite satisfactory as it can only set particles at ends of bones, not along the whole bones, so the result would only be some flames coming out at certain points of my character’s arm…

So I’m confused, is there anyway I can attain the effect of flames burning along the whole set of bones of my character’s arm, not just some points on they?

You can specify the joint, and then use the local joint axis combined with an initial location module and offset the location along the axis pointing down the bone.

You could use a cylinder with the height set to this axis to get a general volume that is close to your arm.

Use Depth Fade for intersection softening.

Thank you for you suggestion