How to set origin/pivot of the tilemap?

How to set origin/pivot of the tilemap is it even possible?

If not inside the editor then is it possible to do it programmatically inside c++?

You can change it in the editor, once you change the pivot just move the tileset slightly and the pivot point will move as per your offset settings :slight_smile:

Yeah, i tried that already… Sadly changing pivot offset, doesn’t change anything at all…

maybe I misunderstood what it is you were after, what is it exactly you wanted to change?
the pivot offset changes where the arrows are that move/rotate the tileset in the editor

I wanted to change origin of the tilemap, so it would rotate around the center and actor location would be at the exact center. Since now origin it is set on first tile center of the entire tilemap.

Like this?

Yep, how do you do it? :thinking:

Pivot Offset… :sweat_smile:

you need to click back onto the tileset once you change the value for the arrow to actually move :slight_smile:

Ahhhh now i get it, thank you for the answer!

You’re welcome :blush: