How to set on drop?

I am dropping this waypoint, on the center but it drops on different coords, like on the screenshot
How to set it up, so it can track my mouse and drop it on right spot
Sorry for my English))

You’d need to show the script - how are you generating the new coord?

You’ll need to explain how this is supposed to work. Assume we know nothing about what you’re doing. I see we’re mixing 3d and 2d here since the waypoint is an actor and then it’s also represented with an icon.

As much detail as you can, please. Currently I have no idea what is even supposed to happen when you drop that widget.

I am dropping this waypoint, on the center but it drops on different coords, like on the screenshot

What is in the wrong coord? The 2d widget or the actor you spawn? Both?

How close is this to what you’re trying to achieve:

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So, this waypoint has to drop where my mouse is currently on but it drops on the wrong spot. I want to drag it and drop wherever i want and its supposed to spawn actor on the world

Again, what is dropping in the wrong spot. The 2d widget or the 3d actor? You’re calling it a waypoint but it seems to have 2 elements here.

3d actor is dropping on the wrong spot. it needs to drop when i drag this widget with “heart” and let go. And it needs to drop exactly where i let it go. Sorry for my English)

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Cool. So this bit…

…will not work. We need to translate the 2d coords into 3d. Either have a look at the link I posted above which translates the widget size into another world size or deproject:

Alternative way to deproject:


I have to assume a lot here - no clue how the world we’re dealing with looks like - suggesting generic ideas only.

Do note that the way player controller works while a widget has focus is convoluted. Have a look here for more info:


Man you’re genius, i will try to implement it. If it works i’ll let you know

I implemented on mouse move, and that error pop out. How i fix that

The error tells you. You forgot the transform - the actual location

(post deleted by author)