How to set max velocity?

no matter what I do, I can not set a max velocity on my character while being pushed around in the air.

i have tried these but it gives no result:

what is it that i don’t get?

Under Character Movement Component, you will be able to control the air drag and other stuffs, if thats what you want.
Or if you want to set the character speed, do this,

not quite, the problem i have is that, when i apply forces to a Character Component while it is in the air, i can’t add a max velocity to that Character Component, so it just becomes uncontrollable.

Uncontrollable as in? It doesnt move or it moves a lot fast?

it moves way too fast

Then what you should do is (idk if this is the best way), check using a bool if the player is grounded or not, if false, then set the max speed to some lower number, and if true then reset the max speed… :slight_smile:

Have you try apply a weaker force, or increase the damping. It seems to be a physics simulation issue, not concerned with the movement controller.

The problem is i need the speed, so the player can change direction quickly while they are in the air, and yes is most likely a physics simulation issue, but I don’t know anything about it.

Might be pretty inefficient but could you not just clamp the velocity on tick?

I guess this would suit your need It’s a simple closed-loop control.

I don’t know, maybe

i tried this but it doesn’t seem to work, is it because I use the character movement reference?

Well, I thought you were using the ball demo and the actor is completely control by physics.

is it possible to connect a physics actor to the character?

what would you like to do with the connect? And is that “it doesn’t seem to work” means it can not limit the velocity or not thing happen?

I tested your script on the template third person character and it worked with a smaller scale to the force. But it’s weird - there is no acceleration.

I should probably say that I’m pretty new to blueprints, but here’s what i use to push the player forward.

A rude way: if it exceed the max velocity, set or interpolate it back to the max.

Launch character only adds velocity instead of adding force.
You can add the force in the direction opposite to current velocity to brake in the air.
what the movement component provides dose not seem to support braking in Z direction.

what is the last "set "node?

That is the “Set Velocity” node from the character movement