I’ve got mesh created using UProceduralMeshComponent class, I’ve used assimp library to extract mesh data from .obj file. But I don’t know how to extract Material from .mtl and set to mesh. pls guide me.
I’ve refereed
Have you found a solution to this problem yet? I’m also looking for a similar method for .fbx files.
Yes, I figured out the solution.
- Get aMaterial from aiScene
- Get Texture
aiString diffuse_map;
material->GetTexture(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0, &diffuse_map); - Get 2D buffer from Texture (read png file),
- Create UTexure2D from this buffer
- Create readymade Texture2D in editor, create material, Convert to parameter
- Create CreateDynamicMaterialInstance from mesh and set texture using SetTextureParameterValue with above parameter name.
Is there any chance you can explain step 3 (and potentially 4?) on how to accomplish this? :o
I have the same problem.
Same issue here, did you guys make it?
Fairly sure I took a different approach but it’s been a while haha
Yes, its almost two years ago, could you help me a little bit with that ?
By the way, which version of Assimp are you using?