How to set different World and actor rotations?

  • Local Rotation is relative to the Actor’s Origin.
  • World Rotation is relative to the World Origin.

Depending on how you have your BP structured, the rest of the actor’s components might not be attached to the scene root. If this was the case, then setting the actor location or rotation will have no affect since the children are not parented.

  • This would happen if a child component was a physics object.

If this was the answer, could you mark it as such?

I’m having a problem differenciating both world and actor rotations. I am programming using blueprints and I’m constantly updating the actor local rotations when specific input events, for each rotation, are triggered. What should happen is:

  • If actor does a pitch, the inertial frame (world) sees the actor doing effectively a pitch;
  • If actor does a pitch (with an angle less than 90 degrees) and then a roll, the inertial frame should see it doing these rotations, but then also an yaw rotation.

The issue is that when pitch and roll rotations are produced on actor frame (locally), it’s appearing also that I’ve made an yaw rotation, which I haven’t.

So far I’ve tried using addActorLocalRotation, setActorRelativeRotation and also convert actor to world rotations “manually” but nothing works.

Sorry for the long text. I would really appreciate some help on the matter.

Best regards,

Yes, that can be the case. Thanks.