How to set Diferent continous movements for different keys when held?

Im pretty new to Unreal and i’m a bit lost right now on how to achieve this. So, here’s the thing. I want one component of my actor blueprint to rotate in one direction when i hold a key, and in the opposite direction when i hold another key. So far i got it to rotate to the left when i hold “D”. The problem is i can’t take an additional branch from the tick event to build the nodes for the other key, and i don’t know how to do it.

Thanks in advance!

For what you want to do you should look into Axis mappings .

( some info about action and axis mappings in general: Input Action And Axis Mappings In UE4 - Unreal Engine)

In your project settings under ProjectSettings->Input->Bindings you can add Action and Axis mappings.

  • An action mapping will trigger when you press or release a key. (like you have the D node in your screenshot)
  • An axis mapping will fire with a value between 0 and 1. (so 0 would be not pressed at all, and 1 would be fully pressed)

Sou you should create an axis mapping to rotate left, and one to rotate right.


If you do that, you will be able find the event for that mapping in your blueprint and hook it up like this:

Worked great! Thank you so much!