How to set camera saturation in BP?

I would like to change camera saturation in my BP, how can I do it? Which function should I use?

Thank you!

We don’t do much with BPs, but here’s a C++ code snippet for changing color grading in a post process volume. Should be similar to doing to a camera.

TSoftObjectPtr<APostProcessVolume> ppv;
if (ppv)
	// time to do some scene color grading and pick what color
	FVector4 gammaShadows = FVector4(1, 1, 1, 1);
	FVector4 gammaMidtones = FVector4(1, 1, 1, 1);

       // pick your colors

	// overriding shadow and midtones only
	ppv->Settings.bOverride_ColorGammaShadows = true;
	ppv->Settings.bOverride_ColorGammaMidtones = true;
	ppv->Settings.ColorGammaShadows = gammaShadows;
	ppv->Settings.ColorGammaMidtones = gammaMidtones;