Hello, I need help in creating a blueprint. The idea is that when someone presses a button, a color pops up depending on the option chosen. Look what I have already done. The only thing I can’t to do is the condition of clicking the button ( buttom clicked condition )
Okay but what do you want the condition to do. This is really up to you, do you want the button to be disabled on click, do you want to just set a bool to keep track if the button was clicked, do you want to increment an int every time the button is clicked, etc?
No, I want images to be displayed only after pressing a button. Im making a quiz game and there will be something like a check in it. Suppose a person chooses an option, go through the page to the end, and then presses the check button, then the color is displayed (red or green). The problem is that when you select an option in the combo box, the color is displayed immediately, but i need to display it only after pressing the button
Nevermind . I found solution . You just have to replace onselection changed with button onclicl )
You just have to replace onselection changed with button onclicl )