How to set animaton easing (in\out) in sequencer with Python. Picture inside

I can set easing manually.


I have found parameter “easing” in unreal.MovieSceneSection

(easing (MovieSceneEasingSettings): [Read-Write] Easing)

i followed to MovieSceneEasingSettings

Bases: [unreal.StructBase]
Movie Scene Easing Settings
C++ Source:

  • Module: MovieScene
  • File: MovieSceneSection.h

When i try to see current parameters of easing,

i receive empty struct

LogPython: <Struct 'MovieSceneEasingSettings' (0x0000080193DA5B60) {}>

When i try to set variables (present in MovieSceneSection.h)

I receive error

LogPython: Error: MovieSceneEasingSettings: Property ‘AutoEaseInDuration’ for attribute ‘AutoEaseInDuration’ on ‘MovieSceneEasingSettings’ is protected and cannot be set

How to provide easing with Python?

Stuck on the same topic, any update on how to achieve this?

No luck for SETting easing, but success with COPY. I mean create MANUALLY section with easing (in main or another sequence), then COPY easing settings to variable, and then


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This is Very very Helpful thank you so much !
How I found it useful is to create another sequencer and basically put a place holder with eased-in animations and I just copied the settings to my plotted animations

So is there a better way to set this ‘easing’ property? I event don’t konw what property should be set in MovieSceneEasingSettings. :melting_face:, and copy ‘easing’ is very inflexible :sob: