How to set an *exact, specific* view-distance/far clip/draw-distance?

How can I fix the view-distance to exact kilometer or rather exact unit specifications? "Engine Scalability"s View Distance is and probably always will have ambiguous distances “near”, “medium”, “far”, “epic”. Even for the “near” it seems too far for my purposes at present… Would love to know how to know and set some real hard numbers instead…

Now, I know there’s individual culling distances for individual meshes and that’s fine, but I’m talking huge streamed landscape tiles and an even larger (48x48km temporarily) ocean plane. At a high elevation I can still make out the latter’s 4 corners when really I’d like to fog out over some 1.5-3km distance (and triangle-clip beyond).

If only “mesh culling plus atmo-fog” solves my issue, the question remains, the fog doc page isn’t entirely explaining how to fine-tune fog to achieve very specific start and end distances. Distance scale isn’t fully explained etc. All confusing.

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hi! Have you managed thi issue somehow?