How to set a projectile's velocity based on a forward vector

I’m currently working on a fireball projectile actor and I need it to travel toward the camera forward/cursor position from the hand socket.
When I manually set the velocity it moves according to that velocity properly.

Here its set at 0.5,-0.5,0.5

Here its set at 0.5,0.5,0.5

But if I get a forward vector based on a line trace from the camera it will set the velocity in the system (example) but the fireball doesn’t move. (example)

Here’s some of the blueprinting

Currently the chain of events is that the projectile is spawned, the windup animation is played, once the cast time is done the launch animation is played, then the fireball actor is set to the location of the hand socket and given a velocity.

Also Let me know if there’s just a better way to do this.