Basically I’m trying to get two rotation values: The previous one and the current one.
Where I’m trying to do it?
In the Animation Blueprint Event Graph.
What is my goal?
Basically i want that when the player (soccer) turns an specified ammount of degress, it starts a new animation to control the ball to that direction.
If the player starts with an angle of 0, and he turns -45 degrees, he plays an animation to adjust the ball close in his left side.
I’m basically asking about the Previous and Currrent Direction float variables because it seems like to be the best way to obtain what I’m trying to do, but if there are a better way to do it, feel free to recommend that, I’m a novice in programming and in Unreal and I’m just start to learn how animations work. Thank you, and that’s is my current Event Graph:
Is that code working? Because it seems like no time value has been set to determine the difference between the current and the previous rotation values. The second thing is that you don’t need to store the current rotation value in a variable, as you can always access it by using the Get Actor Rotation node which you’re already using there. Since that node’s z axis pin will always be equal to that variable, the existence of that variable is obsolete and it’s consuming unnecessary memory space. And my last point could be suggesting you to consider implementing motion matching animation to your project if you’re looking for diverse animations depending on the character’s movement, unless what you have in mind is basic of course. I hope you find these helpful
Well, more or less . The char is rotating like I want, but I’m struggling to find a way to do the transitions. Basically, at the moment in the State Machine of that ABP, only has the Sequence: Idle->JogWithBall->JogAdjustBallLeft/Right.
Well, I really try it for 3 hours today, but the speed animations and some specific moves looks really weird and sometimes seems not working properly with the new motion matching animation System. The pack of animations that I’m using is that: