I download UnrealEngine-MultiRes-4.11 from github link:MultirRes-4.11
I successufly built the source version ,and get the editor.exe。For the MultiRes, I need send the version editor.exe to my parter to use. Think the big file size ,I think there must be away to get the small engine file which contains Editor.exe.
What I want to ask is that how to seperate editor.exe from the source.
Thanks for anyone’s reply!
What is your editor? Does it need UE4 editor code to work?
I am sorry to reply your message so late.
I download UnrealEngine-MultiRes-4.11 from github link:DownLoad
I successufly buit the source version ,and get the editor.exe。For the MultiRes, I need send the version editor.exe to my parter to use. Think the big file size ,I think there must be away to get the small engine file which contains Editor.exe.
What I want to ask is that how to seperate editor.exe from the source.
thanks for reply.
Hey Artisan-H3-
Can you elaborate on what you are trying to accomplish? I am not sure I understand exactly what you’re trying to do. With the specific version of the engine you downloaded/built, you should be able to make use of MultiRes by running the editor.
Ah i get it
You can’t really separate editor because editor it self run on engine. Also i think your friend should also build that engine version on there own computer, installing VS don’t hurt and having VS is very useful if you developing on UE4, because you may end up with some C++ project and git is commonly used even in non-C++ development. If you give binery to your friend also he most likely would have a problem with packaging the game as he would not have non-editor bineries, where with VS and source engine will build it self to proper build in packaging. Also as i’m not mistaken redistribution of binery editor is against EULA.
I try to find way to achieve my aim, but failed. I don’t find any steps to do this on answer hub or forum. I’m a trainee .so I try copy Binaries file to cover official engine Binaries, and the editor.exe(UnrealEngine-MultiRes-4.11\Engine\Binaries\Win64\editor.exe) flash quits.it seems that it is wrong way.
what I want to do is that my friend could get the MultiRes engine file without getting the whole MultiRes version engine source.
If there is no way to achieve my aim, my partner can get the MultiRes version source and build it only.
Thank you very much