One way is use function Get all actor of class (select which class you want) , then check each actors location , if they are near to your character add in list and then do what you want.
Hi. I’m currently trying to take all of the actors the player is currently colliding with and putting them on a list. Then the player can pick from the list an actor to perform a specific action on. What would I use to capture the actors and what would I use to list them out for the player to pick?
Alright that works for the first half of my question. Thank you very much!
If you want to show to player your list just use widget blueprint.
I would suggest adding a collision around you character. Call get overlapping actors, and this will be in an array. Set this as a variable.
Make a button and a main place for you buttons (scroll box, vertical box, horizontal box, etc) as separate widgets. Get your variable, then use a for each loop to make a button for each item that it is overlapping with.