So in the other forums you could see your started threads but I don-t see how anymore help ?
If you’re looking for new posts on forums then you can use New topics button
If you’re rather interested in your own posts, there is a collection of links to started threads/discussions and etc in your profile in **About **tab
New Topics does not appear for me:-(
Makes no sense
That’s not a thing.
Maybe only some people see the New Posts button?
Hm, that’s really weird. I see this button even after logging out, but it’s called **Today’s posts **
If I was able to get 2 different states for this button it’s possible that there is a third state - absence of the button.
I will send this issue to Epic
That is because you are looking in the wrong place. THe only place that shows up now is INSIDE a forum. Not at the top level. You can’t just hit the old “new posts” and get ALL NEW POSTS across the forum(S) plural. You can only click into each sub-forum and get the new ones for that area.
I have tried manipulating the query for the “new posts” and I can not get it to return a master for ALL FORUMS. #LAME
wow thanks guys unreal has the best community ever, another question if possible, I got to the option to create a signature, and I had a signature BUT, I don’t see the way to do signature no more. Atleast something similar i want to promote some things lol, tim sweeeney didn’t probably like them? haha
**Joviex **It does show up on the main page as well. At least for me. And search results are from all the forums.
It is there now!!!
Appears to have been fixed
Thank you to whoever fixed it :thumbs_up:
Guys help how to edit now the signature?
Go to Settings -> Account and there in the middle, click on the blue hyperlink "Edit Post Signature’
thank you so much rombauts