How to secure funding for your indie game in Germany

Hey fellow Unrealees,

based on our experience in this field, I compiled the following article that should be able to help anybody to find a funding approach in Germany. It’s important to say that it is currently up for discussion if the local fundings will be combinable with the “Bundesförderung” in the future, as this caused a lot of management overhead in the past.

As stuff is constantly changing in this field, you can also consult these sources - and please let me know if you find any errors in this article:

Federal Funding (Bundesförderung)

Overview of Federal Funding

At the national level, Germany provides substantial support to the creative industries, including game development. The federal government recognizes the economic and cultural value of video games and has instituted various programs to foster innovation, development, and international competitiveness.

Key Federal Funding Programs

  1. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) – EXIST Business Start-up Grant
  • Purpose: Supports startups, including game development studios, in their initial phases.
  • Eligibility: Founders with innovative business ideas, including those in the gaming sector.
  • Benefits: Financial support for living expenses, coaching, and infrastructure.
  1. Kultur- und Kreativförderung (Culture and Creative Funding)
  • Purpose: Provides grants for creative projects, including game development.
  • Eligibility: Individual creators and companies engaged in cultural and creative industries.
  • Benefits: Funding for project costs, personnel, and equipment.
  1. Medienförderung (Media Funding)
  • Purpose: Specifically targets the media sector, including video games.
  • Eligibility: Studios and developers working on innovative media projects.
  • Benefits: Grants for production, distribution, and marketing.
  1. Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)
  • Purpose: Supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in innovative projects.
  • Eligibility: SMEs across various industries, including game development.
  • Benefits: Funding for research and development, product innovation, and market expansion.

Application Process

Applying for federal funding typically involves the following steps:

  1. Research and Selection: Identify the program that best fits your project’s needs and eligibility criteria.
  2. Preparation of Documentation: Prepare a detailed business plan, project proposal, financial forecasts, and any required supporting documents.
  3. Submission: Apply through the respective federal agency’s portal or submission platform.
  4. Review and Evaluation: Applications are reviewed based on criteria such as innovation, feasibility, and potential impact.
  5. Approval and Funding: Successful applicants receive funding, which may be disbursed in stages based on project milestones.

Tip: Early preparation and a well-structured application increase your chances of success. Consider consulting with a financial advisor or a consultant specializing in government grants.

State-Specific Funding Programs

In addition to federal funding, individual German states offer targeted support for game developers. Below, we explore funding opportunities in Berlin-Brandenburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, and Baden-Württemberg.


Berlin-Brandenburg is a dynamic region with a robust creative sector and numerous funding opportunities for game developers.

Key Funding Programs

  1. Beauftragte für Kultur und Medien (BKM) – Creative Industries Grant
  • Purpose: Supports projects in the cultural and media sectors, including game development.
  • Eligibility: Studios and developers based in Berlin-Brandenburg.
  • Benefits: Grants for project development, production, and marketing.
  1. Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) – Digital Innovation Grant
  • Purpose: Encourages digital innovation within the region.
  • Eligibility: Tech and media companies, including game developers.
  • Benefits: Funding for R&D, software development, and digital infrastructure.
  1. FilmFernsehFonds Bayern (FFFB) – Game Development Support
  • Purpose: Although primarily focused on Bavaria, cooperative projects with Berlin-Brandenburg may qualify.
  • Eligibility: Collaborative projects involving multiple regions.
  • Benefits: Grants for production, distribution, and international promotion.

Application Tips

  • Networking: Engage with local industry events and forums to understand funding landscapes and build connections.
  • Local Partnerships: Collaborate with local universities or research institutions to strengthen your application.
  • Tailored Proposals: Customize your project proposals to align with the specific goals of Berlin-Brandenburg’s funding programs.


Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) is Germany’s most populous state, offering extensive support for the gaming industry through various initiatives.

Key Funding Programs

  1. NRW.BANK – Digital Innovation Funding
  • Purpose: Supports digital and media projects, including game development.
  • Eligibility: SMEs and startups located in NRW.
  • Benefits: Low-interest loans and grants for digital projects.
  1. Creative Industries NRW – Project Grants
  • Purpose: Encourages creative projects within the region.
  • Eligibility: Companies and individuals in the creative sector, including game developers.
  • Benefits: Funding for project execution, personnel, and equipment.
  1. Hightech-Strategie NRW – Innovation Grants
  • Purpose: Promotes high-tech innovation, including in the gaming sector.
  • Eligibility: Tech-driven game development projects.
  • Benefits: Grants for R&D, prototyping, and commercialization.

Application Tips

  • Leverage Local Resources: Utilize NRW’s extensive network of incubators and accelerators to enhance your application.
  • Focus on Innovation: Emphasize the innovative aspects of your game to align with NRW’s high-tech initiatives.
  • Detailed Planning: Provide comprehensive project plans and realistic budgets to demonstrate feasibility.


Baden-Württemberg is renowned for its strong economy and emphasis on technological advancement, offering valuable support for game developers.

Key Funding Programs

  1. Baden-Württemberg Film & Media – Funding Program
  • Purpose: Supports film and media projects, including video games.
  • Eligibility: Studios and developers operating in Baden-Württemberg.
  • Benefits: Grants for production, distribution, and marketing activities.
  1. INVEST – Venture Capital
  • Purpose: Provides equity funding for startups and innovative projects.
  • Eligibility: High-growth potential game development studios.
  • Benefits: Investment capital in exchange for equity stakes.
  1. Research and Innovation Grants
  • Purpose: Encourages research-driven projects in technology and media.
  • Eligibility: Projects involving significant R&D components.
  • Benefits: Funding for research activities, technology development, and collaboration with academic institutions.

Application Tips

  • Highlight Technological Integration: Showcase how your game incorporates advanced technologies or innovative mechanics.
  • Collaborate with Academia: Partnering with local universities can strengthen your application for research-oriented grants.
  • Prepare a Solid Business Case: Demonstrate the commercial viability and market potential of your game project.

Choosing the Right Funding Source

Selecting the appropriate funding source depends on various factors, including your project’s stage, size, location, and specific needs. Here are some considerations to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Project Stage: Early-stage projects may benefit from startup grants, while established studios might seek innovation or expansion funding.
  2. Geographical Location: State-specific programs require your studio to be based within the respective state.
  3. Funding Type: Decide between grants (non-repayable funds) and loans or equity investments, depending on your financial strategy.
  4. Eligibility Criteria: Ensure your project aligns with the funding program’s objectives and requirements.

Tip: Often, combining multiple funding sources (federal and state) can maximize your financial support and reduce dependency on a single source.

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Now this is SHARING! Thank you so much for this very complete and thoughtful resource. Are there any German devs in this community? Like to show some love please

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