How to scale mesh to the impact point range

Beam particles - ribbon renderer - allows you to use any mesh:


So you can make it out of teapot meshes if you fancy.

Scaling a static mesh for this would be awkward at best, iffy. At least consider a spline mesh component; you can add collision if needed and no calculations are really necessary. It’s also quite flexible:

However, you do what you need to do, ofc. Perhaps a static mesh would work better in your case, indeed.

  • providing this is the tube (it’s the engine default cylinder @ 100x100x100 uus):

  • you could try:

  • resulting in:

Hope it helps.

make a laser beam

Do note that in-game the Niagara ones will look & perform better than most (all?) other methods. IMHO, at least; especially when you’re after something more subtle: