How to scale mesh to the impact point range

I want to make a laser beam from static mesh
I know there are beam that look like paper in particle system
but I want the beam to look solid from other angle too so I choose to make it by tube mesh
problem is I don’t know how to make the mesh lenght scale to match the length from start to impact point
Don’t know how to calculate and setting this
like first cal my mesh length then scale it to match the trace length
any suggestion?
thank you

you can calculate these by simply using line trace and there’s hit location too. calculate distance using line trace start point and hit point

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thanks I know that part
but I don’t know how to match it size
the scaling is done by multiply12/0.50.75 etc(or maybe I misunderstand it)
what node to calculate my model size and the scale number to match the range

I’m not sure if this more clear than above
How to do scaling of static mesh to match distance range?
I want to create laser beam use static mesh to get the solid look
but I don’t Know how to calculate the scaling parameter of the mesh to match the distance I get
like every mesh have it own xyz size but scale is 1.0/1.0/1.0
how do I know what multiply to match with distance value

Beam particles - ribbon renderer - allows you to use any mesh:


So you can make it out of teapot meshes if you fancy.

Scaling a static mesh for this would be awkward at best, iffy. At least consider a spline mesh component; you can add collision if needed and no calculations are really necessary. It’s also quite flexible:

However, you do what you need to do, ofc. Perhaps a static mesh would work better in your case, indeed.

  • providing this is the tube (it’s the engine default cylinder @ 100x100x100 uus):

  • you could try:

  • resulting in:

Hope it helps.

make a laser beam

Do note that in-game the Niagara ones will look & perform better than most (all?) other methods. IMHO, at least; especially when you’re after something more subtle:


thanks, I try the beam tube but not quite get the solid look to me
I will try to match the distance by mesh scale in Niagara
the x0.01 for 1 meter is what I’m looking for